Sunday, October 3, 2010


Lochgilphead is the most populous town in mid Argyll. The photo on the left shows you the lovely park-like atmosphere along that harbour.

There is a mysterious fountain on the other side of that white building. Murdo MacDonald, Argyll's historian, has recorded, in "The Kist 63", Spring 2002, page 13, the foll0wing information:

It commemorates Dr. Alexander Rodger Fraser, ship surgeon, who died 4th Sept 1894, in the Gulf of Suez on board SS Manora. He was the son of the Rev. William Fraser, Minister of the Free Church Congregation in Lochgilphead. Dr. Fraser was a graduate of the U of Glasgow..."

On the south side of the Loch, there is Kilmory Castle, which is now the headquarters of the Argyll Bute council. Around it is a truly lovely garden. Apparently, this was laid out in 1830. Wikipedia has an extensive description of this building.

The Crinan Canal lies on the south edge of Lochgilphead. It connects Ardrishaig on Loch Fyne on the east, to Crinan and Bellanoch on the Jura Sound on the west. Today, it is the path taken by yachts who travel through the West Highlands in summertime. On the other side of the canal lies a very old and historic estate, "Auchindarroch", or "Oakfield".

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