Thursday, September 23, 2010

Standing Stones, Myths and Rituals

Whenever you see some ancient pot described as a 'ritual' pot, you know that really, the archaeologist has no idea what it was actually FOR. So, 'ritual' is a handy hold-all for all the strange items of we dig up and wonder at, like, for example, the stone circles at Arran's Machrie Moor and the multitude of circles and henges and giant stones scattered over Kilmartin Glen. It's darned 'mythic' for sure....

Anyway, what should one think, when a married couple, living in northern Alberta, descended (a long way back) from West Highland people, build this stone circle in their yard just because they like rocks, big rocks, Standing Stone rocks, maybe of a 'mythic' kind:

This is Shane, delivering a birthday present to Sara:

And here is one of the more spectacular rocks, put up this August:

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